Omschrijving activiteiten
Producten en diensten
- lucht
- luchtzuivering
- deeltjes
- geur
- installaties
- absoluutfilter
- adsorberende technieken
- adsorptie
- affakkelen
- afzuiginstallaties
- aktief kool
- andere
- biofiltratie
- biotricklingfilter
- condensatie
- cryocondensatie
- cyclocondensatoren
- cycloon
- droge gaswassing
- elektrostatische afscheiders
- foto oxidatie
- halfdroge gaswassers
- injectie geur
- ionisatie
- katalytische omzetting
- keramische filter
- koelsystemen
- koeltorens
- mechanische afscheiders
- membraantechnologie
- metalen filters
- niet-selectieve niet-katalytische reductie van Nox
- olienevelafscheiders
- schoorstenen
- selectieve katalytische reductie van Nox
- selectieve niet-katalytische reductie van Nox
- stoffilters mestafgas
- ventilatoren
- vloeistofafscheiders
- zakkenfilters
- zeoliet
- Filtratie algemeen
- diensten
- aanleg van peilputten
- beschrijvend bodemonderzoek
- bodembeheerorganisatie
- bodemmonsteranalyse
- erkend bodemsaneringsdeskundige type 1
- erkend bodemsaneringsdeskundige type 2
- erkend laboratorium
- erosie-preventieonderzoek
- geologisch onderzoek
- grondboringen
- grondwateranalyse
- hydrologisch onderzoek
- oriënterend bodemonderzoek
- sonderingen
- bodembeheerrapport
- brownfieldontwikkeling
- financiëringsprogramma
- overheidsinstellingen
Extra info
We are the contributors to a better environment. You can sense the winds of change in the oil, gas, and chemical industries as they move through the energy transition. As a key part of Intero, Intero – The Sniffers combines global field emission measurements and pipeline integrity surveys with expert knowledge and advice.
Environmental Services
We are the contributors to a better environment. You can sense the winds of change in the oil, gas, and chemical industries as they move through the energy transition.
As a key part of our company, Intero – The Sniffers combines global field emission measurements with expert knowledge and advice. With cloud-based SFEMP we enable significant reductions in emissions while driving your environmental ambitions forward.
Pipeline Management
We’re all about maintaining high integrity levels of your buried pipelines, right down to detecting even the smallest leak and upcoming corrosion.
With our global pipeline integrity surveys and PRIMS, we seek out your challenges to guarantee your safety and reputation, while protecting the environment.
As experts in compliance, we’re effortlessly efficient and cost-effective. Pipeline integrity is everything.