Omschrijving activiteiten
Air In Motion is the solution to all your technical air circulation problems. This is achieved with products that we develop in-house and with our extensive knowledge and support. Our services comprise consultation and development as well as to measurements and maintenance. Air In Motion investigates your needs and provides you with a customised solution. All our solutions are focused on the client’s needs and on innovative energy savings.
Producten en diensten
- lucht
- luchtzuivering
- deeltjes
- geur
- installaties
- absoluutfilter
- adsorberende technieken
- adsorptie
- affakkelen
- afzuiginstallaties
- aktief kool
- andere
- biofiltratie
- biotricklingfilter
- condensatie
- cryocondensatie
- cyclocondensatoren
- cycloon
- droge gaswassing
- elektrostatische afscheiders
- foto oxidatie
- halfdroge gaswassers
- injectie geur
- ionisatie
- katalytische omzetting
- keramische filter
- koelsystemen
- koeltorens
- mechanische afscheiders
- membraantechnologie
- metalen filters
- niet-selectieve niet-katalytische reductie van Nox
- olienevelafscheiders
- schoorstenen
- selectieve katalytische reductie van Nox
- selectieve niet-katalytische reductie van Nox
- stoffilters mestafgas
- ventilatoren
- vloeistofafscheiders
- zakkenfilters
- zeoliet
- Filtratie algemeen
- diensten
- aanleg van peilputten
- beschrijvend bodemonderzoek
- bodembeheerorganisatie
- bodemmonsteranalyse
- erkend bodemsaneringsdeskundige type 1
- erkend bodemsaneringsdeskundige type 2
- erkend laboratorium
- erosie-preventieonderzoek
- geologisch onderzoek
- grondboringen
- grondwateranalyse
- hydrologisch onderzoek
- oriënterend bodemonderzoek
- sonderingen
- bodembeheerrapport
- brownfieldontwikkeling
- financiëringsprogramma
- overheidsinstellingen
Extra info
Product 1: AFIM® Air Door
The AFIM® Air Door technology ensures a much more effective air separation than the conventional air curtains, for example when applied in department stores. A conventional air curtain works with huge amounts of air, to which a lot of energy-guzzling heat is added.
The AFIM® Air Door, however, requires only a minimal amount of air, which, moreover, does not need to be conditioned. Thanks to higher air pressure, the Air Door cuts through the air far more effectively than traditional air curtains, and not a single whiff of air shall pass the barrier.
Product 2: AFIM® Dry (industrial desiccant adsorption dehumidfier)
A desiccant adsorption dehumidifier is used if a conventional condensation dehumidifier cannot be used. This is the case when air drying is desired at a low temperature or at low humidity. Regardless of the air temperature, moisture from the ambient air absorbed by the adsorbent (silica gel), which is present in the rotor of the adsorption dehumidifier. The moisture is then discharged from the drying rotor via a separate air circuit.
Desiccant adsorption dehumidifiers are particularly useful in areas where:
- low humidity is required (less than 40%)
- there is worked at low temperatures (< 20°C)
- or when there are low dew points necessary
Air In Motion has the knowledge and experience for industrial dehumidifiers. We advise, produce and supply the correct dehumidifier solution for every specific situation.