BAT conclusions

An important part of the BREFs (BAT reference documents) are the BAT conclusions. These BAT conclusions include a number of individual conclusions that indicate which techniques or combinations of techniques are BAT for achieving a specific environmental objective. For each individual BAT, an associated environmental performance level (BAT-AEPL) can be indicated. Such environmental performance levels can be expressed as an emission level (BAT-AEL), a consumption level, or a different kind of performance level. Monitoring of BAT (eg measurement frequency and / or methods) is also included; this can be done in separate conclusions on monitoring or in the context of other conclusions.

The BAT conclusions form the reference for determining the permit conditions for the IPPC installations under the IED. After all, the emission limit values in the permit may not exceed the BAT-AEL. An installation can only deviate from this under strict conditions.

If the local environmental quality standards (EQS) require stricter conditions than those that can be achieved by applying BAT, stricter conditions must be imposed in the environmental permit.

Within a period of 4 years after publication of the BAT conclusions of the main activity of an IPPC installation by the European Commission, the permit conditions should be reconsidered and if deemed necessary should be adapted based upon the new BAT conclusions, and shall the installation meet the new permit conditions (article 21 paragraph 3 Industrial Emissions Directive).

Below is the list of published BAT conclusions. The full BREFs, which include these conclusions, can also be consulted here.

BREF BAT conclusions
Manufacture of glass (GLS) BAT conclusions for the manufacture of glass
Iron and steel production (IS) BAT conclusions for iron and steel production
Tanning of hides and skins (TAN) BAT conclusions for the tanning of hides and skins
Cement, Lime and Magnesium Oxide (CLM) BAT conclusions for the production of cement, lime and magnesium oxide
Chlor-Alkali manufacture (CAK) BAT conclusions for the production of chlor-alkali
Production of pulp, paper and board (PP) BAT conclusions for the production of pulp, paper and board
Refining of Mineral Oil and Gas (REF) BAT conclusions for the refining of mineral oil and gas
Wood-based Panels Production (WBP) BAT conclusions for the production of wood-based panels
Common waste water and waste gas treatment and management systems in the chemical sector (CWW) BAT conclusions for common waste water and waste gas treatment/management syste…
Non-ferrous metals industries (NFM) BAT conclusions for the non-ferrous metals industries
Intensive rearing of poultry and pigs (IRPP) BAT conclusions for the intensive rearing of poultry or pigs
Large Volume Organic Chemicals (LVOC) BAT conclusions for the production of large volume organic chemicals
Waste treatment industries (WT) BAT conclusions for waste treatment
Waste incineration (WI) BAT conclusions for waste incineration
Food, drink and milk industries (FDM) BAT conclusions for the food, drink and milk industries
Surface treatments using organic solvents (STS) BAT conclusions for surface treatment using organic solvents including preserva…
Large combustion plants (LCP) BAT conclusions for large combustion plants
Ferrous Metals Processing industry (FMP) BAT conclusions for the ferrous metals processing industry
Common Waste Gas Treatment in the Chemical Sector (WGC) BAT conclusions for common waste gas management and treatment systems in the ch…
Textiles industry (TXT) BAT conclusions for the textiles industry
Slaughterhouses and animal by-products (SA) BAT conclusions for slaughterhouses, animal by-products and/or edible co-produc…