The Flemish Knowledge Centre for Best Available Techniques (BAT-knowledge centre) is an initiative of the Flemish Government and VITO.
The BAT-knowledge centre supports the Flemish Government in collecting and distributing information regarding environmentally- and energy friendly techniques in industrial processes and selects the Best Available Techniques for several sectors. These studies come about in a participatory process, in which both industry and the government are involved. The BAT serve as a reference for the environmental permit conditions of companies, both in Flanders (VLAREM) and in Europe (European Industrial Emissions Directive).
BAT studies form a non-binding, guiding document for updating environmental legislation in Flanders. For the implementation in environmental legislation, the emphasis is on the environmental performance that is possible with a BAT and not on the BAT itself.
The annual programming of the Flemish BAT studies is based on a survey of the members of the steering committee and also a broad consultation of the stakeholders. Proposals for new or revised Flemish BAT studies can be submitted to the area of Development, Environmental Planning and Projects Department.
At the European level, the BAT knowledge center is involved in the preparation of the BREFs (European BAT reference documents) within the framework of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). Together with government experts, it represents Belgium in the technical working groups (TWGs) that are established by the European Commission for each BREF.