As part of the revision of the BREF STM, Well Performing Installations (WPI) IED companies were specifically surveyed using a questionnaire with the aim of collecting data and background information on Key Environmental Issues (KEI). Currently, the EU-BRITE (formerly EIPPCB) has conducted an initial analysis based on the submitted data.
During the first data assessment workshop on June 18-19, 2024, the EU-BRITE presented the methodology followed and initial analysis results to the members of the technical working group. It was analyzed whether BAT-associated emission levels (BAT-AELs) and/or BAT-associated environmental performance levels (BAT-AEPLs) can be derived from the submitted information. Any gaps and ambiguities in specific questionnaires were discussed. These items will be taken into account in further data analysis. For some KEIs, a limited amount of information has been collected so far. Therefore, EU-BRITE is still open to receiving new questionnaires from IED companies.
The first draft of the BREF STM is expected by the end of 2024. If you have relevant information or any questions, you can contact Tim Goelen (bbt@vito.be).