
EUA launches European Platform of Universities Engaged in Energy Research

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In Brussels today (15 November) at the Belgian EU Presidency Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-PLAN) Conference, the European University Association (EUA) officially launched its European Platform of Universities Engaged in Energy Research (EPUE). The European Platform comprises almost 150 universities from across Europe with demonstrated research and training capacity in the energy field encompassing the full range of disciplines from science, engineering and technology to bio-sciences, medical/life sciences and economic, social sciences and humanities. EPUE has been developed by EUA as a major part of its contribution to the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) of the EU SET-PLAN.

Addressing the SET-PLAN Conference on behalf of the EUA, Professor Torbjørn Digernes (Rector, Norwegian University of Science and Technology) announced that, "EPUE?s main task is to provide a strong „single? voice for Europe?s universities in EU energy research by establishing a platform to facilitate the full participation of competitive European universities and their networks in achieving the goal of the SET-PLAN for a low carbon emission energy future". He emphasised that "for the successful realisation of EU energy policy goals, European universities? strengths in fundamental research and training capacity for new skills development required by the energy sector must be tapped through EU research strategies".

The EUA European Platform of Universities Engaged in Energy Research (EPUE) has been developed over the past 18 months following a survey questionnaire sent to all EUA member universities. The questionnaire has yielded an important initial mapping of European universities? research and training capacities in the energy field in terms of faculty expertise, research projects, collaboration with external industry partners and Masters and Doctoral programmes. All universities that completed the survey questionnaire expressed their willingness to join the European Platform and its membership remains open to universities who complete the questionnaire providing the necessary information on their research and training capacity.

EPUE has been developed by a Steering Group chaired currently by Professor Torbjørn Digernes which is advising EUA governing bodies on the potential future development for the work of the Platform in the coming years. Future work will be based upon an analysis of the survey questionnaire data which is currently in process. EUA will maintain also its established dialogue with the European Commission, DG Research, who expressed strong support for the initiative of creating the European Platform as an essential component of the European Energy Research Alliance.

The EUA European Platform of Universities Engaged in Energy Research will also address key interdisciplinary research challenges for longer term 2050 energy perspectives and the need to achieve the right balance of top-down and bottom-up research strategies and funding approaches.

Read more about EPUE and its recent contribution to the EU public consultation on "Towards a new Energy Strategy for Europe, 2011-2020"

A full list of Platform member universities (by country) can be downloaded here

Source : © European University Association