
Technology Collaboration Programmes: Highlights and outcomes

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The global transition to cleaner energy is going to require teamwork on a scale the world has never seen. This argues for strong, resource-efficient, and result-orientated multi-lateral co‑operation.

The breadth of the analytical expertise in the IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCPs) – on both energy technologies and markets – and their coverage of all fuel sources, including energy efficiency, are unique assets in promoting such co-operation. The TCPs underpin the efforts of the IEA to provide support across the full spectrum of international low-carbon energy partnerships and initiatives, ranging from high-level policy fora such as the Clean Energy Ministerial, to activities under the bodies of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The year 2015 marked a year of renaissance for the TCPs – rebranded for the first time since 1974, when they were known as Implementing Agreements. The 2015 IEA Ministerial formally recognised the untapped potential of the TCPs, calling upon the IEA further strengthen to the energy technology and innovation-related activities of the Agency. Building upon this momentum, the IEA compendium book Technology Collaboration Programmes: Highlights and outcomes is a collection of the significant recent outcomes of the 39 TCPs operating today, including updated statistics of participation worldwide. To date, participants in the TCPs have examined more than 1 900 energy-related topics, involving over 6 000 experts worldwide who represent nearly 300 public and private organisations located in 51 countries, including a large participation by IEA partner countries, such as China, India Mexico and Brazil. The publication provides highlights across the full range of TCPs, from high-temperature superconductors in wind power, to vegetable oil as an alternate motor fuel, to the wildlife management in the sustainable use of hydropower.

At a time when there are many calls for accelerating innovation, for the promotion of collaborative research and development initiatives, including renewed approaches to “technology transfer”, for enhanced access to finance for clean energy technology development and deployment, it is worth highlighting the “quiet success story” of the TCPs. This sort of global co‑operation can lead to the solutions needed to address today’s energy challenges.

To view the introductory video launched at the IEA Ministerial, click here.

To learn more about the TCPs, including recent news, see the TCP home page here.

The IEA publication Technology Collaboration Programmes: Highlights and outcomes is available here.

Source: © 2016 OECD/IEA