
Europa ligt op schema bij Kyoto-doelstellingen

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The EU is well on its way to achieve its Kyoto Protocol targets for reducing emissions of greenhouse gases on the basis of the policies, measures and third-country projects already implemented or planned. This is the conclusion of a Commission report demonstrating EU progress under the Kyoto Protocol that is to be submitted to the UN climate convention. The latest projections from member states indicate that a combination of existing policies and measures, additional initiatives which are already in an advanced state of planning, and credits gained through the protocol's mechanisms for promoting emission-saving projects in third countries will reduce combined EU-15 emissions to 9.3% below 1990 levels by 2010. This clearly fulfils the 8% reduction target from 1990 levels that the protocol requires the EU-15 to achieve during 2008-2012. The projections show that EU-25 emissions would be cut by more than 11%. Seventeen member states with emission targets are currently projected to meet them, while the others are in the process of identifying further actions.

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Bron : Europese Commissie