
EU greenhouse gas emissions drop in 2005

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Emissions of climate-changing greenhouse gases (GHG) decreased between 2004 and 2005, according to preliminary data from a forthcoming EEA report. The report, 'Annual European Community greenhouse gas inventory 1990-2005 and inventory report 2007', was submitted to the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as the European Community's official submission on 14 April. It will be officially launched in mid-June 2007.

The EEA has taken the decision to release the main messages of the report early because of growing public and political interest in the issue of climate change.

The key points of the report are:

EU-15: Emissions of GHGs decreased by 0.8 % between 2004 and 2005.
EU-15: Emissions of GHGs decreased by 1.5 % compared to 1990.
EU-27: Emissions of GHGs decreased by 8 % compared to 1990 levels.

Which sectors are mainly responsible for the GHG cuts?

In absolute terms, the main sectors contributing to emissions reductions between 2004 and 2005 in the EU-15 were public electricity and heat production, households and services, and road transport.

Emissions from public electricity and heat production decreased mainly due to a reduction in the reliance on coal. The reduced emissions from households and services have to be further analysed, but appear to be due to climatic conditions. The decrease in emissions from road transport has also to be further analysed, but appears to be a combination of reduced fuel consumption and increased use of diesel cars.

Which countries show the biggest decreases in GHG emissions?

Germany, Finland and the Netherlands contributed most to the EU-15 reduction.

  • Germany: a shift from coal to gas in the production of public electricity and heat was one of the main reasons for the decrease in emissions. In addition, emissions from road transport and from households and services declined substantially.
  • Finland: emission reductions were mainly due to a substantial decrease in the use of fossil fuels in the production of public electricity and heat. Coal use, in particular, decreased.
  • The Netherlands: less fossil fuel was used for the production of public electricity and heat.

Bron :  European Environment Agency