
The ERA-NET SKEP Research Call : Sustainable Consumption and Production

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The ERA-Net SKEP (Scientific Knowledge for Environmental Protection) is a network of public-sector research funders, including research institutes, environment ministries and regulatory authorities. SKEP aims to generate scientific knowledge in collaboration, and to increase the impact of this research on policy-makers by building consensus and achieving critical mass.

The call will have a total budget of 550 k, with a maximum of 100 k from each partner country. Topic areas for project proposals are:

  • A review of environmental accounting approaches associated with the consumption of imported goods and services.


  • An assessment of the interplay between environmental regulation and market forces with respect to the building and construction industry.

Each proposal must involve trans-national consortia of at least three independent legal entities from at least three of the SKEP partner countries participating in the call. Others may also participate but must be independently financed. Participants must be eligible to participate in the normal funders' RTD programmes in the SKEP call partner countries, making use of the funders' usual eligibility criteria.

The call will be open in all SKEP call partner countries between 18th of June and 14th of September 2007 16:00GMT. Applications received after this time will be excluded from the evaluation process. The projects should be ready to begin on 1st of April 2008.

The call will employ a single stage application. Submission requires the applicant to complete a common electronic application form. The form should be completed in English. An Applicants' Guide, presenting detailed information about the requirements for participants in this call and the online Application Form can be found on the SKEP website: www.skep-era.net.

SKEP has a Call Steering Committee (CSC), which will manage the coordinated call, and a Call Secretariat, which will provide administrative support to the call. The objective of the evaluation process is to select and fund those transnational research proposals which meet the needs of both SKEP as a funding consortium, and the research funders as individual organisations. Proposals will thus be evaluated for scientific quality, value for money, and priority to the research funders.

The call will perform an eligibility check, and two-stage evaluation process. The eligibility test is to ensure that proposals are complete, and have been submitted in compliance with SKEP's procedures by a sound research consortium. The scope and priority test is to confirm that proposals lie within the scope of both the Call, and the individual Research Funders, before any further qualitative assessment is made. In Peer Review, the quality of the proposals will be judged by an independent, international peer review panel.

Each project will include several consortium members called research partners and a Research Co-ordinator. Each research partner (including the Research Co-ordinator) will have a separate Funding Contract with one of the national funding bodies listed below. Each Funding Contract for an approved project shall have an identical length of term, which shall be no more than 12 months.

Bron : SKEP