
Energy policies: EU citizens want mandatory energy savings

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EU citizens want measures to cut energy bills, integrate energy networks EU-wide, and make the 20% energy savings by 2020 target binding, says a survey commissioned by the European Parliament. Citizens are very keen to cut their household energy consumption, but less eager to invest in house insulation or eco-friendly cars when these measures are not subsidized. They also back Parliament's European Energy Community initiative.

The survey, done in February, included 26,836 face-to-face interviews in all 27 Member States. 

80% of Europeans want mandatory energy saving targets

In 2007, the EU set itself a triple goal: reducing greenhouse gases by 20%, raising energy efficiency by 20% and cutting energy consumption by an additional 20%, all by 2020. However, despite Parliament's efforts, these aims were not made binding upon Member States.

Replying to questions on the 20% reduction in energy use target, 80% of respondents agreed that it should be made mandatory. Of these respondents, 33% replied "yes, certainly" and 48% "yes, probably".

Priority goes to household savings

Probably due to the strains of the economic crisis, they did not favour expensive measures. Only 19% had insulated their homes and even fewer (6%) had bought a more ecological car. Nevertheless, citizens of Estonia, Slovenia and Slovakia were likeliest to have insulated their houses (between 35% and 40%).

Practical measures to reduce energy bills

Nearly half of the respondents (47%) wanted to be able to measure their daily energy consumption using "smart" meters. Italy and Sweden, where smart metering systems are already in use, are first on the list of countries, with 59% each.

Two-fifths of respondents expected tax reductions to encourage them to save energy, and 36% favour competition among energy suppliers. They also said they would like to receive simpler clearer energy bills, and that this would help them to monitor their consumption.

Integrated EU energy network

There are currently 27 national energy networks in the EU. Citizens believe that integrating them within a European energy network would help reduce energy costs (59%), encourage better use of various types of energy (47%), and make delivery safer (35%).

Strong support for establishing a European Energy Community

On 25 November 2010 the European Parliament called for a European Energy Community to be set up to enable the EU to speak with a single, stronger voice internationally and strengthen cooperation in interconnecting energy networks. Three-quarters of the respondents definitely favoured such a community. Of the 78% who "agreed" with proposal, 51% "tended to agree" and 27% "totally agreed".

Source : © European Union, 2011 – European Parliament


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