
België scoort goed in het implementatierapport van de EU-solventrichtlijn

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The first reporting period according to Commission Decision OJ L 172, 2.7.2002, p. 57 was 1st January 2003 to 31st December 2004. In accordance with Article 11 (1) the Directive, Member States submitted information to the Commission in response to a questionnaire, to provide an overview of their implementation of the Directive. All of the EU15 Member States (new Member States did not yet have to report, since for the majority of the reporting period they have been not members of the EU, although a voluntary report from the Czech Republic and Slovakia was submitted to the EC and has been used for background information) have submitted information for the first reporting period. By analysing these reports, this study aims to provide the Commission with an nderstanding of the status of EU15 implementation and identification of opportunities for improvements of the implementation of the Directive and to the reporting questionnaire (for the third reporting period of 2008-2010) where necessary.

Across the EU15, several Member States have demonstrated good progress in implementing the Directive, though progress appears less significant for others (such as in terms of the numbers of installations authorised/registered). Due to some gaps in the information reported, it is not possible to draw firm conclusions regarding the status of implementation in a number of cases,
as outlined in the preceding sections. It is clear that some Member States have improvements to make in assessing progress and in reporting to demonstrate clearly that they are progressing sufficiently with implementation of the Directive against the deadline of 31st October 2007. The table below describes the number of Member States, for each question, that have provided sufficient information to give assurance that demonstrable progress in implementing the
Directive was being made at this stage.

Six percent of installations that were registered or authorised during the reporting period (in part due to the deadline of 31st October 2007, and that existing installations do not have to be registered or authorised until then). In several cases, there are instances of incompleteness or insufficiency of data and information relating to administrative provisions to give assurances to the Commission that certain aspects of the Directive are being implemented with a view to achieving compliance before the implementation deadline.
More data is expected to be reported as the implementation deadline aproaches and it is anticipated that where there are currently gaps in the information reported greater assurances will be provided as further progress is made in registering or authorising installations before the implementation deadline.

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Bron : http://www.europa.eu/press_room/index_en.htm

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