Filtration - general

Deze techniekfiche is onderdeel van de LUSS applicatie.

Synonyms, abbreviations and/or process names

  • Surface filtration
  • Depth filtration
  • Flat bed filtration
  • Fabric filtration


Removed components

  • Dust, particles




Process description

During filtration, dust is removed by passing the waste gas through a filter medium. The filter medium can be made of various materials, such as textile, plastic, cellulose and ceramics. The construction and lay-out is determined by the technique and the application.



Fabric filter (compact filter), ceramic filter, absolute filter, mist filter.



The removal yield is 99 - 99.9 % depending on the used variant.


Boundary conditions

  • Flow rate:  Up to 1 800 000 Nm3/h depending on the technique
  • Temperature:  Dependent upon filter medium
  • In-coming concentrations:  0.1 -230 g/Nm3


Auxiliary materials

Filter medium


Environmental aspects

Depends on used variant (see specific technique sheets)


Energy use

Depends on used variant (see specific technique sheets)


Cost aspects

  • Investment
    • Depends on used variant (see specific technique sheets)
  • Operating costs
    • Depends on used variant (see specific technique sheets)


Advantages and disadvantages


Depends on used variant (see specific technique sheets)


Depends on used variant (see specific technique sheets)



Depends on used variant (see specific technique sheets)



  1. Factsheets on Air-emission reduction techniques,, Infomil
  2. Common waste water and waste gas treatment and management systems in the chemical sector. BREF document, European IPPC Bureau,
  3. Elslander H., De Fré R., Geuzens P., Wevers M. (1993). Comparative evaluation of possible gas purification systems for the combustion of household waste. In: Energie & Milieu, 9
  4. Work-book on environmental measures: “Metal and electro-technical industry” (1998 ). VNG publishers
  5. Supplier information