10/11/2016 - 00:00

World Energy Council debates global energy transition

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European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič is attending the World Energy Council in Istanbul on 11 October.

The World Energy Council is set to debate the global transition in energy. Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič will focus on the role of gas in the low carbon transition.

Vice-President Šefčovič will underline the EU’s objective of enhancing energy security, diversifying its energy sources and expanding and deepening its energy ties with strategic international partners across the globe. Turkey is among them.

“Europe is heavily dependent on imported fossil fuels so we need to continue in our world-leading progress on renewable energy and energy efficiency. As we predict that our dependence will not go away in the coming years, we are actively seeking to diversify our fossil fuel sources, and boost our energy efficiency first principle,” Vice President Šefčovič says.

Currently the EU imports 73% of all energy consumed which breaks down into 87% of oil used is imported, 65% of gas and 44% of solid fuels. By 2030 it is predicted that the EU will import some 90% of the oil it uses, 73% of gas and 49% of solid fuels.

Vice-President Šefčovič is also expected to discuss the EU’s close energy ties with Turkey. Turkey is of growing importance as an energy transit country in particular with the construction of the Southern Gas Corridor. The Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP), which will run through Turkey, is part of this Corridor.

The Southern Gas Corridor will connect the large fuel resources in the Shah Deniz II gas field in Azerbaijan with Europe though the expansion of the South Caucasus Pipeline, TANAP and the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP).

Source: © European Union, 1995-2016