01/26/2018 - 00:00

Two innovative wind farms start operating off German coast

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Two offshore wind farms located off the German coast are the latest innovative renewable energy projects supported by the EU's NER 300 programme to enter into operation.

The Nordsee One offshore wind farm, with a total capacity of 402 Megawatts (MW), is situated roughly 40 kilometres north of the island of Juist, while the 332-MW wind farm Veja Mate sits 95km from Borkum island. Together, they will generate enough electricity to power 800,000 homes. The green energy to be supplied to the grid will bring significant greenhouse gas emission savings.

The projects demonstrate for the first time at a large scale highly efficient 6-MW turbines. They also showcase a number of innovative technologies, which contribute to increased productivity and greater reliability – much needed in the harsh conditions of the North Sea – and also result in lower production costs.

The two projects received grants under the EU's NER 300 programme, which supports the development of innovative low-carbon technologies and is funded entirely through the sale of emissions allowances under the EU emissions trading system (EU ETS). €70 million was awarded to Nordsee One and €112 million to Veja Mate, with total investment in the projects amounting to €1.2 billion and €680 million respectively.

Supporting the development and investments in innovative low-carbon technologies in Europe is an important part of the EU's strategy for ensuring the achievement of its climate change objectives, while supporting growth and jobs.

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Source: © European Union, 1995-2017