08/09/2017 - 00:00

Still time to have your say on Trans-European Networks for Energy

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The public consultation on the EU's Trans-European Networks - Energy (TEN-E) Regulation will close on 4 September. It invites anyone with an interest in the TEN-E strategy, the EU's plan to help national governments and companies to build energy infrastructure that extends across the borders of EU countries, to give their views. The consultation includes questions on the impact of the strategy on energy prices and uptake of renewables, as well as on the progress of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs). These are projects that are considered essential for completing the European internal energy market and for meeting the EU's energy policy objectives of affordable, secure and sustainable energy.

As part of the TEN-E strategy, nine priority corridors, which each span at least two EU countries, and three priority thematic areas have been identified. The priority corridors highlight areas that urgently require development of their electricity, gas or oil infrastructure. The priority thematic areas – smart grids deployment, electricity highways, and a cross-border carbon dioxide network – cover the entire EU.


Source: © European Union, 1995-2017