05/16/2014 - 15:52

Smart Grid Projects Outlook 2014 published

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The Smart Grid Projects Outlook 2014 is the most recent update of a comprehensive inventory of Smart grid and smart metering projects from the 28 European Union countries and beyond.

The report presents the latest analyses and insights from the most comprehensive database of smart grid projects across the European Union (EU) Member States. This rolling review, carried out on a periodical basis by the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) in cooperation with the European Commission Directorate-General for Energy (ENER), builds upon the previous two smart grid project inventorying exercises published since 2011.

The current edition of the survey includes a total of 459 smart grid projects, launched from 2002 up until today, which amount to €3.15 billion in investments. The study is accompanied by new interactive visualisation tools. These allow the user to generate customisable maps, graphs and charts to display the progress of smart grid projects realised in the 28 EU Member States (EU-28), Switzerland and Norway.

For the full report, highlights, dynamic infographics, a movie presenting selected figures, and information on how to include projects in the next edition of the survey, please visit: http://ses.jrc.ec.europa.eu/smart-grids-observatory

Source: © European Union, 1995-2014 


Extra info :

Download report : Smart Grid Projects Outlook 2014 [PDF - 15 MB]