03/02/2018 - 00:00

Roundtable underlines the role of energy storage in the clean energy transition

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Developing energy storage and integrating infrastructure in order to speed up decarbonisation were the focus of an event held March 1, in Brussels. The High Level Roundtable on Energy Storage and Sectoral Integration brought together speakers from the European Commission, including Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Cañete and Director-General for Energy Dominique Ristori, and the energy, automotive and chemical industries.

In his keynote speech, Commissioner Arias Cañete said:

"Energy storage is a key enabling technology for the efficient and secure integration of renewable energy. It therefore will play an important role in the future energy system. Moreover, a cost-efficient energy transition will also increasingly require linking the different sectors of the economy in an intelligent manner, with strong implications for energy storage".

Discussions centred on the role of energy storage in electricity, gas and heating networks and the potential for expanding it, as well as the challenges and opportunities of sectorial integration: integrating the energy, mobility and industrial sectors with the aim of using more renewables and reducing emissions. Participants from the energy sector had the opportunity to exchange views with representatives of other sectors, such as the transport, fertiliser, steel and refining industries. Much of the debate was based on elements from the ‘Clean Energy for All Europeans’ package and previously published energy storage reports, as well as the work of the newly-launched EU Battery Alliance.


Source: © European Union, 1995-2017