01/24/2014 - 10:58

MHyBus project demonstrates advantages of new fuel source for public transport

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24 January 2014 -  The results of the first trials of a hydromethane-fuelled bus for urban public transport were presented at the final conference of the LIFE+ Environment project MHyBus (LIFE07 ENV/IT/000434) in Bologna, Italy on 19 December, 2013. The project, which was led by the Region of Emilia-Romagna, carried out tests to optimize the engine for hydromethane, prepared a prototype vehicle, designed and built a dedicated fuelling station and then carried out road tests.

The prototype vehicle travelled more than 45 000 km on public roads around Ravenna without technical problems. The project found that the optimal fuel blend was a mix of 85% methane and 15% hydrogen by volume.

In the opening speech of the conference, Alfredo Peri, the Regional Councillor for Transport in Emilia-Romagna, stressed the importance of initiatives such as MhyBus in taking concrete steps towards a more sustainable mobility and the creation of a regional value chain.

The event included presentations from technology companies and research institutes explaining the potential benefits and market-readiness (or otherwise) of different means of producing the hydrogen part of hydromethane (i.e. steam reforming, carbon saver, hydrobiomethane).

It also included a roundtable in which supply and demand issues around hydromethane were discussed. This included representatives of the regional public transport companies (START Romagna, TPER, SASA Bozen) who expressed great interest, even in the current conditions of limited funds for new investments, in a fuel that provides significant environmental benefits.

One of the key outcomes of the project highlighted in Bologna is a manual about the MHyBus technology, which includes information about the economic advantages of conversion to hydromethane vehicles and is available from: http://www.mhybus.eu/page/documenti

The manual consists of a road map of possible strategies to reduce the environmental impact of public transport based on the experience and the results of the MHyBus project and technical guidelines for local public transport companies, experts and technicians, showing  technical and administrative steps and the costs involved in converting urban transport vehicles from methane to hydromethane.

The test vehicle showed a 15% reduction in CO2 emissions and a 13% saving in fuel consumption in comparison with buses currently in use according to data from ENEA, Italy's national agency for new technologies, energy and sustainable economic development.

The LIFE project has demonstrated that hydromethane-powered vehicles are a mature technology for public transport uses. Clear interest from businesses and local and regional authorities will lead to further testing of a fleet of vehicles in Ravenna.

For further information about the project visit: http://www.mhybus.eu/

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