05/23/2017 - 00:00

LIFE greening jobs and growth

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"LIFE is contributing to the spread of green skills and the creation of green jobs in a broad range of sectors.”- Karmenu Vella, the European Commissioner for Environment, Fisheries and Maritime Affairs.

The latest LIFE Focus brochure shows just how the EU’s fund for environment, nature and climate protection is doing this. Produced to coincide with the EU Green Jobs Summit in Brussels, the brochure echoes the theme of Green Week 2017: “Green Jobs for a Greener Future”.

LIFE greening jobs and growth focuses on the people that have found new employment or developed new green skills thanks to LIFE. Their stories bring home the important contribution the LIFE programme has made to green growth.

The brochure shows LIFE’s impact on people working in cities, the countryside, and coastal communities (‘blue growth’). It also highlights green jobs in the water sector, and green jobs of the future (new developments in solar cell technology, sustainable packaging, and the recycling of cars and ships).

Finally, we hear from young people around Europe who have learned important skills for life and work through volunteering on LIFE projects. LIFE will continue to strengthen the  capacity to provide volunteering services for young people across the European Union by funding preparatory projects for the new European Solidarity Corps - covering environmental protection, nature conservation and restoration of natural areas and ecosystems.

“The skills I gained by learning to build and maintain the green infrastructure on the LIFE project are skills I still use today in my work. I will build on these skills the rest of my life.” – Wayne Essien, participant in the LIFE Housing Landscapes project

LIFE greening jobs and growth


Source: © European Union, 1995-2017