04/17/2014 - 17:21

IPCC seeks comment on the Synthesis Report of its Fifth Assessment

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GENEVA, 17 April - The expert and government review of the first order draft of the Synthesis Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) starts on Monday 21 April. The Synthesis Report is the final product of the Fifth Assessment cycle. It will integrate key messages from the three recent working group reports: the physical science basis (September 2013), climate change impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability (March 2014), and mitigation (April 2014).

The IPCC seeks the widest possible participation by experts in the reviews of its draft reports. Reviewers should reflect the full range of scientific, technical, and socio-economic views, expertise, and geographical representation.

The IPCC Chair, who leads the Synthesis Report writing team, is seeking input from expert reviewers with knowledge or experience to provide scientific review comments on the physical science basis; impacts, adaptation, vulnerability; and mitigation of climate change. The draft report will also be reviewed by the member governments of the IPCC. The review period runs until 13 June. To ensure transparency, all the comments and the responses from the authors will be published with the drafts after the reports are released.

Registration for participation in the review is now open. Experts who are interested are invited to register at: http://www.ipcc-syr.nl/review/registration/

Please feel free to disseminate this review registration link within your professional networks.

For more information contact:

IPCC Press Office, Email: ipcc-media@wmo.int
Jonathan Lynn, + 41 22 730 8066 or Nina Peeva, + 41 22 730 8142

Follow IPCC on Facebook and Twitter

Source : IPCC


Extra info :

For more information on the IPCC, go to: www.ipcc.ch

For more information on the Fifth Assessment Report, go to : http://www.ipcc.ch/activities/activities.shtml

For more information on the IPCC review process go to: http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/ipcc-principles/ipcc-principles-appendix-a-final.pdf

For more information on the Synthesis Report go to: http://www.ipcc-syr.nl