07/03/2017 - 00:00

Get the latest energy data for all EU countries

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Updated energy statistical datasheets for all EU countries have just been published by the European Commission. These datasheets cover the period 1990-2015 and make it possible to track how each country's energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions patterns have changed over time. They contain an overview of the EU as a whole as well as individual country profiles, based on data from Eurostat and from the EU greenhouse gas monitoring mechanism. They are arranged in a tabular ready-to-use format, and are a very useful tool for anyone, both experts and members of the general public, looking for fast access to statistical data on energy in the EU and its member countries.

The datasheets include information on energy production, trading and consumption in each country, sorted by energy carrier (the means by which energy is converted into usable form) and economic sector. They also show how the deployment of solar energy has evolved over the years. They provide information such as the evolution of each country's primary energy consumption (its total energy demand), countries' energy efficiency, and their level of dependency on energy imports. In addition, they show how greenhouse gas emissions in individual sectors and at national level have varied since 1990.

Energy statistical pocketbook

Renewable energy


Source: © European Union, 1995-2017