05/29/2017 - 00:00

EU Green Week 2017: green jobs for a greener future

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This week's EU Green Week, with the theme 'Green jobs for a greener future', offers a platform to discuss the EU's environmental policies and how they are creating green jobs and contributing to sustainable and socially responsible economic growth. In Brussels it will be marked by the EU Green Jobs Summit, which brings together policy-makers, environmentalists and representatives of the private sector and academia. Many other events will also take place across Europe.

Participants at the Green Jobs Summit will reflect on successful EU environmental policies, such as the EU Ecolabel initiative that recognises environmentally friendly products, and consider strategies for creating more green jobs and helping people develop the skills they need to do them. In one session they will focus on the potential of oceans both as a source of low-carbon jobs for the maritime economy and as a renewable energy resource. Harnessing the power of tides and waves has the potential to help the EU meet its targets for reducing emissions and using more renewable energy in the coming years.

EU Green Week also puts the spotlight on a number of projects that are creating green jobs and contributing to Europe's transition to clean, sustainable energy. These include innogy, a German energy utility company that is promoting decarbonisation, generating energy locally, and the use of digital technologies to help consumers track their usage and save money, and Heliox, a Dutch company that has developed a fast-charging battery that powers electric buses.


Source: © European Union, 1995-2017