02/12/2016 - 00:00

Co-host IEA helps open Bali Forum with launch of Centre of Excellence for Clean Energy

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Ministers and other top officials from more than 30 countries gather to foster innovation and collaboration

More than 1 000 leaders from government, industry, research and development organizations gathered on 11 February for the Bali Clean Energy Forum. Co-hosted by IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol and Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said, the two-day event showcases opportunities to accelerate clean energy deployment and enhance energy efficiency around the globe.

Under the theme “Bridging the Gap and Promoting Global Partnership”, the Bali Forum aims to explore how international partnerships can help countries in all stages of development share knowledge, technology and best practices to scale up clean energy deployment. To facilitate this effort, Indonesia and the IEA launched Indonesia’s Centre of Excellence for Clean Energy at the opening of the forum. Working with its many sponsors and partners, the Bali-based centre aims to provide world-leading research and development in renewable energy and energy efficiency.

“The IEA firmly believes that the global transition to a clean energy system requires a new era of collaboration, on a scale the world has never seen,” said Dr. Birol in his opening remarks at the Bali Forum. “The IEA’s partnership with the Indonesia Centre of Excellence is a great step forward in this direction.”

The launch of the centre marks a milestone in the IEA’s vision for modernising the Agency, which includes opening doors to emerging economies, enhancing energy security and making the IEA a global hub for clean energy technology and energy efficiency. Indonesia was one of the first countries to activate Association status during the IEA Ministerial meeting last year that Minister Said attended.

In support of the shared commitments by Indonesia and the IEA to achieve long-term goals in energy security, affordability and sustainability, the Agency is encouraging the Indonesia Centre of Excellence to tap into the expertise available across the IEA’s network of Technology Collaboration Programmes (TCP). The network boasts 39 programmes involving about 6 000 energy experts representing 51 countries. The six TCPs present at the Bali Forum cover diverse subjects including energy efficiency as well as renewable technologies such as ocean energy systems and geothermal energy.

Dr. Birol encouraged all countries and companies present at the Bali Forum to participate, noting how both energy-importing and –exporting countries are focused on integrating clean energy into their systems. “Together we can open doors to a new era of clean technology partnerships in Indonesia, Southeast Asia and beyond,” he said, as international co-operation is critical to advancing innovation and reducing costs for new technology. 

The Executive Director’s speech also focused on the need to improve energy efficiency as a way to decrease demand and costs, highlighting the need for long-term planning and leadership around the world to develop a low-carbon energy sector.

Seventeen of the countries at the Bali Forum have agreed to endorse a Ministerial Declaration on Clean Energy that calls for increased collaboration on research, development and deployment of clean energy technologies to reach shared climate goals.

Source: © 2016 OECD/IEA