09/18/2018 - 00:00

Climate Action project applicants seek nearly €200 million from LIFE

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Applicants have submitted 124 proposals for traditional LIFE projects under the Climate Action sub-programme in the 2018 funding round. The deadline for applications was Wednesday 12 September. Half (62) of the proposals are for Climate Change Mitigation projects, with 51 for Climate Change Adaptation projects and the remaining 11 for the Climate Governance & Information (GIC) strand.



Proposals have been submitted by organisations in 21 EU Member States, with 27 countries potentially benefitting in total (including three non-EU nations).

Where would the money go?

The candidate projects are looking to spend more than €400 million altogether on actions to tackle climate change. This includes planned project budgets of over €230 million for Climate Change Mitigation projects, some €156 million for Climate Change Adaptation and nearly €20 million for Climate Governance & Information. The 124 proposals are requesting close to €200 million in co-funding from the LIFE programme to support much-needed work to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, build climate change resilience, and raise awareness or improve policy implementation. 

What happens next?

Proposals will now be evaluated and applicants notified of the results by February 2019, with projects starting from July 2019 onwards. The final list of 2018 LIFE Climate Action projects will be announced to the press and public in autumn of next year. 


Source: (©) European Union, 1995-2018