09/22/2014 - 00:00

17 companies nominated for the 2014 European Business Awards for the Environment

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Rome, 19 September– The shortlist for the 2014 European Business Awards for the Environment (EBAE) has been revealed, following a two-day jury meeting in Rome, Italy. The 17 finalists come from 10 countries. The winners will be announced at a ceremony in Lyon on 1st December 2014 at the Pollutec exhibition of environmental technologies in Lyon, France. The European Business Awards for the Environment are awarded to eco-innovation companies that successfully combine innovation, competitiveness and outstanding environmental performance.

European Commissioner for the Environment Janez Potočnik said: "The companies shortlisted for the European Business Awards for the Environment have a proven track record in combining business success and respect for the environment. They showcase real-world experience of the fruits of eco-innovation.

The finalists were selected from 152 submissions, originating from 22 European Member States and candidate countries. The applicants represent the increasing environmental commitment of European businesses and their willingness to adopt eco-innovative practices, despite the current economic climate.

This year’s entries come from a number of fields, including healthcare, financial services, and the food and drink and automotive sectors. The highest number of entries was in the product and services category.

The award submissions showcased the companies’ contribution to resource efficiency in five categories: product and services with 50 entries; process with 49 entries; management with 38 entries; international business cooperation with 15 entries; and business and biodiversity with 33 entries.

The high-level jury, chaired by Professor Marco Frey, was composed of 24 experts from European and national authorities, academia, businesses and the green technology sector.


The European Business Awards for the Environment were established in 1987 by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Environment. They are presented every two years with the aim of recognising and rewarding European companies that stimulate economic growth by contributing to innovation and competitiveness, while also protecting the environment.

The scheme consists of five awards, rewarding businesses for management practices, eco-friendly products and services, sustainable processes, international business cooperation and – most recently – activities which protect biodiversity.

The competition is open to any company, irrespective of size, from an EU Member State or a candidate country. The submission of entries to the European awards competition is managed by national coordinating bodies.Applicants must first enter one of the national award schemes and be chosen to compete at the European level.This ensures that companies awarded the European prize are 'the best of the best': the most far-sighted, responsible and innovative across Europe.

For more information

More information on the awards, the selection procedure and the past EBAE competitions can be found at: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/awards/

See the finalists for the 2014 EBAE in the annex attached

Source : © European Union, 1995-2014