The BAT Knowledge Centre (BAT) of VITO has started a new study on deNOx installations.
Recent permit files show a need for (actual) information in the field of NOx-reducing techniques (e.g. SCR & SNCR). It is often unclear which techniques are appropriate for different scenarios, which environmental performances can be achieved according to the latest technology, and which costs and cross-media effects are associated with this.
This study therefore - based on an extensive literature study and contacts with suppliers/operators of various techniques - examines relevant parameters (e.g. temperatures, flow rates, concentrations, etc.), cost prices, technical feasibility and the (ideal) NH3/NOx ratios, mapped out for different scenarios. Ultimately, the goal of this study is to update and expand the LUSS tool (EMIS), with the information from the study serving as a background document.
For more information or questions, please contact Siebe Janssens.