The first draft of the BREF Ceramic Manufacturing Industry (CER) revision is available. The complete document (D1 (08.2023)) can be accessed via https://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/reference/ceramic-manufacturing-industry. Different from previous BREF revisions, this first draft does not yet contain the Chapter with BAT conclusions. The European Commission announced in the 18th meeting of the IED Article 13 Forum on 22 May 2023 that the CER BREF (along with other BREFs, the review of which started later) would be at a sufficiently early stage when the revised IED is adopted for the BREF to incorporate additional elements stemming from the IED revision. The revised draft BAT conclusions will be shared after the end of the co-decision process for the revision of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).
The members of the Technical Working Group (TWG) can submit their comments to the IPPC Bureau until 31 October 2023. The BAT knowledge centre drafts the comments of the Belgian Member State in close collaboration with the Department of Environment - Division GOP. For this, consultation with involved environmental administrations and sector representatives is foreseen.
For more information about the CER BREF or if you have comments on the first draft, you can contact Sander Vander Aa.