Final draft of the Flemish BAT study for the sorting of construction and demolition waste and the recycling of rubble

The final draft of the Flemish BAT study for the sorting of construction and demolition waste and the recycling of rubble is available online. In this study, focus is on increasing the recycling rate of construction and demolition waste.
Organizational and operational measures to improve the sorting of construction and demolition waste and the recycling of rubble are e.g. applying a (pre-)acceptance policy, a management plan and a general quality assurance system for sorting, and keeping waste streams and recyclates separate. Additional BAT specifically for sorters are selected to improve the sorting of construction and demolition waste, related to the different process steps. Additional BAT specifically for rubble crushers are also selected, for example to improve the recycling of rubble, to control dust, noise and vibration, to reduce water use and to increase energy efficiency. Based on the BAT, recommendations are formulated for environmental conditions, further research and technological development.
The members of the guidance committee of this study and the steering committee of the BAT knowledge centre have until 5 May 2023 to give their agreement on the final draft or to submit any comments via