
EU-studie komt tot het besluit dat een Europees dioxine-meetprgramma binnen de ferro/non-ferro sector wenselijk is.

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The main objective of the study is to provide recommendations on options to be considered for establishing a mandatory PCDD/F monitoring requirement within a future revised and actualised IPPC directive.

To reach this objective the following steps were carried out:

  • Evaluation of the most recent data compiled on dioxin emissions to assess the  importance of the emissions from the metal industry and its subsectors
  • Evaluation of the present situation regarding dioxin monitoring in the individual 25  EU Member States, to confirm or refute the need for Community action
  • Analysis of the targeted industrial subsectors for specific particularities that should  be taken into account
  • Defining a range of options to further define the scope and content of eventual  monitoring requirements and which appear both feasible and suitable for  achieving all major objectives regarding the targeted industrial sector
  • Evaluation of both technical feasibility and the possible socio-economic impact as a result of enforcing more systematic and in all likelihood increasing dioxin monitoring activities according to the range of options defined before.

For these steps the gathering of relevant information from numerous and in some cases disparate sources was a key element of success. In practice this was done by

  • drafting and submitting a questionnaire to the Member State authorities (IPPC  experts) as well as to the industrial associations on both an EU and national level  (Eurofer, Eurometaux, WVM Germany, Agoria Belgium)
  • informal direct contact with industrial experts, national authorities, dioxin
     researchers, and analytical laboratories 
  • studying former files for matters of procedures, needs and frequencies of
    sampling/analysis, pitfalls encountered, uncertainties, and rational and payable methods of dealing with these
  • the implementation of a Network of Experts (NoE) and a NoE Panel
  • two workshops with the NoE Panel held at Brussels
  • an internet-based discussion forum for the NoE
  • using relevant reports (e.g. BREFs, project reports on dioxin monitoring programs, case studies, inventories) and scientific literature
  • distribution of the draft final report to the members of the NoE asking them for comments (overall, 9 written comments of 1 to 8 page size were received).

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